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Norman Waterhouse

Australian Standards Contracts – Update to Pricing Model

Australian Standards have advised of a new pricing model, effective from 3 March 2025, in respect of the use of their Australia Standards Contracts.

Many councils utilise Australia Standards contracts for council projects, in particular the AS 4000 – 1997 (General Conditions of Contract for construction), the AS4902 – 2000 (General Conditions of Contract for design and construct) and the AS4905 – 2002 (Minor works contract conditions which are superintendent administered).

In order for councils to use the Australian Standards Contracts, a licence for use must be obtained from Standards Australia and fees are applicable. To date, the fees have included a royalty payment at the end of a licence, which necessitates reporting to Standards Australia the number of persons who have accessed a particular contract and separate invoicing for the royalty payment.

The new pricing model provides for transparent set pricing based on the number of internal users only (not external people viewing / amending the contract), the number of documents used and either a 3 month or 12 month subscription. Standards Australia have advised that the pricing applies to the editable MS word versions of their Contracts, which enable in line amendments to be made, and which make reading and administering the contracts a lot simpler!

For queries or further information on the use of Australian Standards Contracts for your council projects please contact Lisa Hubbard on +61 8 8217 169 or at, or Mabel Tam on +61 8 8210 1218 or at


5 March 2025



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